Get Higher Yields for Your Fields with Xylem Plus
With its ability to promote strong, healthy stalks while combating over 15 in-season diseases, Xylem Plus is a must for next season.
Get Yours Today
What is Xylem Plus?
Xylem Plus is a fungicide unlike any other in the market. What makes Xylem Plus different from other fungicides is a patented technology which keeps the treatment active within the stalk of the plant for 60 to 75 days. Other fungicides last only 30 days in the leaf, not the stalk.
Xylem Plus protects both corn and soybeans against diseases such as Fusarium, Stalk Rot and White Mold, just to name a few.
Proven Results
ISU trials have proven Xylem Plus to be the winner three years in a row!
Won the yield trial vs all other fungicides
Had the lowest % of lesions on the leaf vs. all other fungicides in the tar spot trial

Corn Trial
Xylem Plus was applied in-furrow at 32 oz/acre. Images were taken 12 rows apart.

2024 results from a Northwest Iowa corn field planted on the same day, less than a mile apart, in very similar soil.

Soybean Field Trial
Xylem Plus was applied in-furrow at 32 oz/acre. Fields were across the road from each other, farmed by the same grower.

Disease Control
Xylem Plus protects against various common diseases.
Corn Disease Defense
In-Furrow or Early Foliar
- Root + Seed
- Pythium Damping Off
- Fusarium Seed Blight
- Rhizoctonia Root Rot
- Other Rots or Seedling Blight
- Leaf
- Goss’s Wilt
- Common Rust
- Stewart’s Disease
- Anthracnose Leaf Blight
Early or Late Foliar
- Stalk
- Fusarium Stalk Rot
- Anthracnose Stalk Rot
- Gibberella Stalk Rot
- Bacterial Stalk Rot
- Pythium Stalk Rot
- Above Ground
- Downy Mildew
- Ear
- Aspergillus Ear Rot
- Fusarium Ear Rot
- Gibberella Ear Rot
Soybean Disease Defense
In-Furrow or Early Foliar
- Root + Seed
- Pythium
- Fusarium
- Rhizoctonia
- Phomopsis
- Taproot Decline
- Leaf
- Rhizoctonia Area Blight
- Bacterial Diseases
- Viruses
- Downy Mildew
Early or Late Foliar
- Stem
- Sudden Death Syndrome
- White Mold
- Phytophthora Root & Stem Rot
- Pod & Stem Blight
- Brown Stem Rot
- Stem Canker
- Anthracnose
- Red Crown Rot