Cost Vs. Profits
Everything in production agriculture is about the bottom line. Simply put, how much profit can be generated by a specific action? When you decide to operate your pivot, your decision to do so is based on how much profit will be generated for your business. If you decided to spray your soybeans for aphids, again, your decision is based on how much you will add to your bottom line.
Your thought process in whether or not to become a subscriber to should be no different. It is our goal that our Subscribers will be adding, at a minimum, 30-cents per bushel more on their corn sales and 50-cents per bushel on their soybean sales. For our producers operations in 2010, if they did not get trapped into making sales early but followed our advice, including our 2011 Target Zone Charts, they would have generated dollars per bushel extra profits, not cents. For your operation, how far away have you been from marketing 100% of your total production in the upper third of the seasonal price range? Would the information and direction generated for its producers from 2009 through 2012 helped get you there? Not sure? Just check out our TZC’s for those years.
On just 160 acres, half corn and half soybeans, with a yield of 180 b/a and 60 b/a, respectively, adding 30 cents onto your price for corn and 50 cents onto your price for soybeans, the additional profit to your operation would be $6720.00. Again, that is additional profit. ( In today's market, other than with, where can you generate a return 6 times greater than your investment on just 160 acres? Imagine the amount of additional profit on 1000 acres or 5000 acres! )
Marketing your grain at better levels is the last frontier producers must conquer. Just as fertilizer and hybrid seed corn jumped yields remarkably, marketing is the last and greatest factor in the producers financial equation which offers him the potential for the true financial success that has been eluding him for decades.
Since 2007, producers will have multiple opportunities to lock in extreme profits. If you passed on locking in the great profits offered from 2008 through 2013, what will you be doing now on the backside of the great profit explosion? If you don't know, do you remember how well you did in the price collapse after 1996? How about 1988 or 1976? Oh yes. We have been around that long. We have lived it, too. We know human nature. Do you know yours? So check out our History. See how all our Clients were readied, years in advance, for that which was yet to come in 2008, and then continued into 2013. Note the price when we called the top in 2008 and had our Clients selling. Note our TZC’s for the following years. How close did you come to these levels? You can be ready for the next great opportunity to generate immense profits, but only if you are a Subsciber to Market News Updates and can make it through the lean years that do lie ahead! Yes, it's a matter of profits. Yours!