Cambridge, NE

"I am enjoying reading your weekly comments. I look forward to seeing them come every week. You're one of the few that has a positive price outlook. It’s been a LOT easier for me to hang on to what I have left this winter when most others are telling us to panic and sell. I really like reading and understanding the “whole picture” of what is behind these market actions."


Meriden, IA

"I was reading this morning’s Roach Ag newsletter and it occurred to me that I need to go back and read your Market News Update from last week. I searched all possible email folders where I believe it could possibly be and was unable to find it. You have mentioned before that if a subscriber does not receive a Market News Update it is possible that it got lost due to technology and they should let you know. Please resend that market news update to me.

Why do I subscribe to and read Roach’s newsletter? There are some similarities between the markets and the weather. I count on you to give me the long term market forecast. That is a very difficult and intimidating task. I count on Roach to give me a nice concise summary of the current market conditions, just like I turn on the local weather report to get a summary of the day’s temperatures, precipitation, and so forth. Roach also has very nice graphic summaries of the markets which help me to get a quick glimpse.

Please do not change what you do. You are both a deep thinker and a broad thinker. I enjoy reading your commentary. It is full of useful and interesting information. It requires some thought on my part. I get very little out of it if I read it fast. I have to take my time and consider it carefully. Most importantly, despite all of the great information and thoughts you always remember the bottom line: The Recommendation - to Sell or Not to Sell.

Thank you "


Hamburg, IA

"Hi Terry, Thanks for the newsletter and reminder of renewal of membership to your services.
I am sending out payment of $2,995.00 today, so hope that you receive by July 12th. Thank you, as you have made us better marketers this past year..........always challenging! "



I was in grimes, ia, getting gas for the return trip, when I heard my their ad ad on the radio, 590 on the am dial. It was excellent, presentation and all, Straight forward, factual, never rubbed the govt. nose too much, Explanatory,
Good really well done. "


"You asked for comments regarding events and circumstances outside of issues directly related to agriculture. I, for one, think they are invaluable. Marketing would be a whole lot easier were it not for outside, seemingly unrelated events. Keep the info coming!!! Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and are looking forward to a Happy and Prosperous New Year. "


"Thanks for the return. Appreciate your MNU . I have farmed over 40 years. My son is in the process of taking over . Ihave sees a few ups and downs in the business . We didn't get carried away the last few years . We farm in central SD and crops look very good so far. High prices probably do more damage in the long run than good. Just causes rent ,machinery ,and other costs to rise. The ethanol plants that we invested in have paid off their debts so are starting to pay some good dividends so that is a good thing. Anyway thanks for your work. "


"I just want you to know I enjoy all the info that comes from you. I read alot of marketing comments but yours looks further ahead than most and takes on the broader challenges of the economy and politics and how its tied to our markets. I give you the credit for having half of my crop sold at profitable levels while my bank tells me most of his clients are still sitting on some of last year's grain and have little of 2014 sold. So thanks! "


"Very interesting reading this! I don't know what numbers the USDA will give us this time, but you laid out the facts very well for us to digest! Thanks!! "


"I got it. Thanks for the conversation this morning. I know I have a challenge ahead of me to keep this place up to speed for my customers and am glad I have someone to lean on for marketing advice. "


"Boy am i glad i got rid of oc grains. "


"This is Iowa, the sun always shines here Thanks for everything you do. "


"Hi Terry, just wanted to report my corn yields are down a consistent 15% from last year. We do have to remember the last two years have been record yields though. I am guilty of setting my targets to high, thinking we could raise at least 250bu minimum. It is a humbling realization that mother nature is fully in charge and has the last say and the USDA would like to think they are a close number two( those bastards!). Keep up the good informative work Terry, much appreciated. "


"They are the one and only analyst that said DON'T SELL ,,,,,,,,,,all summer. All the rest said the corn markets was going to collapse and we would have 4.00 dollar corn or less this fall . The guy at here didn't say sell. He was the one only guy at the end. Maybe this is a one time thing. But this year , all the other analyst made fools of themseves. Anyone who subscribed to them would have been better off to do the exact opposite of what they said to do . They deserve some credit here.

Im not a subscriber, but I have heard the same radio ads that you did , I heard mine on KRVN in central Nebraska. I have been waiting for someone to mention him. Here's what I know. I subscribed to his free month trial back in March , before the drought. He called me, and asked how many acres and bushels I had. He is a sharp guy . I didn't sign up because at the time it was 1000.00 and most analyst are half that. He called me a couple times to visit and to ask me again. The last time he did he said I needed his services because this year would be the year to hang on to my corn. He told me " there is going to be the worst drought in history" Exact words. He also said " You won't beleive how hot its going to be " I didn't sign up, and I sold my corn too early. Biggest mistatake I made all year. I did have a gut feeling the guy was right about a drought, so I changed my see order to alot of beans , especially where we are short of irrigation water. If I had listened to this guy I would have another 75000.00 dollars. He is for real. I think the thousand dollars a year for the subcrition was a discount and the regular price is about 2500. The last ad I heard sounded like he had all the clients he wanted and was not giving the discount anymore. His first name is terry and I think he told me was at or around Blair Nebraska. He ran tons of ads on our farm radio station. Like1 per hour all day long. I enjoyed his ads, My wife said if I had signed up it would have paid for our remodeling job on our house . "


Meriden, IA


In your July 6, 2012 newsletter you mentioned that you have been very lax with renewals. You also stated that you will cease sending newsletters on July 12 to anyone who is past due. I checked my records. I issued them a check in the amount of $2995 on May 25, 2011. I also signed and returned the Amended Enhanced Cash Grain Marketing Agreement and therefore am entitled to add an additional two months to my subscription. That suggests that my subscription expires on July 25, 2012. If you are not in agreement with this then please let me know. It is my intention to renew my subscription. Your advice is looking exceptional at this point in time.

Here’s a little feedback. Whenever I engage in a business transaction with someone I watch and listen to everything they do and say. I don’t do this to be critical. I do this to better understand the person with whom I am doing business. I have spoken with you on the telephone very few times, but I definitely enjoyed the conversations and always concluded the conversation with thoughts that you are honest, straightforward, and I find you trustworthy. Reading your commentary for one year has given me enough of a glimpse into the paradigm with which you view the markets that I at least feel somewhat comfortable with your advice. That may sound rather pessimistic, but when it comes to market commentary I find it to be a very dangerous business practice to give any advisor the benefit of the doubt. Rather, I read market commentary with the expectation that you have to earn my trust by giving me sound advice. Thus far, you have not disappointed me. I am guessing that It will take at least five years before I truly feel comfortable with your advice. If I am still subscribing four years from now consider that my highest complement. I hope I still am subscribing. That will mean you have done well.

My biggest fear in following your advice is that you appear to be a Lone Ranger and that is fine as long as your “game is on”, but what happens when your “game is off?”

I guess that is just the risk one takes when following anyone’s advice. Ultimately, it is always my decision to sell the quantity of grain I choose, at the price I choose, or hold till a future date when I hope the price will be higher. That sounds so simple, but it is an emotional roller coaster that greatly affects my farm’s profitability. Which brings me back to why I pay for your advice to hopefully help me make wiser grain marketing decisions.

Thanks for giving me sound grain marketing advice for the past year. I will mail you a check to renew my subscription by July 25.


Steve "